WHAT A RELIEF! – by Chocolat



Home sweet home

What a relief to be back home, relaxing on our bed as you can see from the pic above.

I cannot tell you how cold, wet and miserable That Place was,  and how pleased I was to be back in a warm house, with my staff in attendance, and the choice of three comfy beds to lie on, plus usual   access to my morning  sunbathing venue under the hedge and my afternoon basking venue easily available.  Just to be on the safe side I’ve been extra polite, and putting in extra purring sessions to make sure I don’t get sent back to That Place. It really was too terrible. Recalling my time there makes my whiskers curl and gives me the shivers.

Oh – and by the way, She is B.A.K. (back at keyboard).

Watch this space.






Filed under CHOCOLAT: MY CAT

6 responses to “WHAT A RELIEF! – by Chocolat

  1. Pauline

    So pleased to see you home again Chocolat There really is no place quite like it.


  2. Hello Chocolat!

    Tuffy-Cat here. (My human is out in the rain, can you believe it, trying to take photos of raindrops on flowers! Silly girl… So I’ve taken over the keyboard for a moment.)

    How lovely to hear your dulcet tones again – I can hear your purr all the way to Pinelands.So relieved to hear that you have finally been liberated from prison – humans, honestly! Don’t they know we appreciate our routine? I’ve had to put in a lot of work to train my human to give up her chair (it has more pillows on it, so it is very nice and soft) and to turn on the heater on command.

    But it’s an ongoing, daily struggle, I can tell you – for warmth, for food, for water, for milk, for TUNA! I mean, just think of how much love and joy we give willingly, in the desperate hope of receiving a mere morsel of tuna…

    Oh dear, here she comes with her camera again, I’d better pretend to be asleep!


  3. Hello Chocolat, nice to have you back.


  4. Carol Els

    Hello Chocolat. So glad to hear that you are home safe and sound. What can I say….Humans! I trust you are getting lots of special treats to make up for your ordeal.


  5. Oh Alison we have always been so concerned about leaving our pets in kennels, often that being the only option. Care varied in different establishments but even in the best of them one’s pet still must experience abandonment.


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