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Tip #1 – sit outside in the sun whenever and wherever possible. Following the example of my fat feline guest. Tip #2 – turn off all sources of media – radio and electronic. Tip #3 – refuse to listen to news bulletins. Tip #4 – take advantage of the glorious weather and go on an outing – fresh air and sunshine are a restorative combo. Tip #5 – once the sun sets, make cocoa. Enjoy!

*JAP = just a paragraph to keep my blog ticking over, whilst I’m busy with longer posts.




  1. You and your cat have the right idea, Alison!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Perfect idea, Alison. The best way to get through winter

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wisdom indeed. Purrrrrfect.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Excellent advice, Alison! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ooh, who is your feline guest, Alison? She looks beautiful!


  6. Charlotte

    Hi Alison, Hope you’re keeping well and following ‘Poppie’s’ advice. … The Winter Blues? – Frankly I never ever want to get out of bed (just stay there warm and cosy) – but sometimes I have to…. Your blog reminded me of ‘Arch Exercise” which I once sent you (Purrdy writing to a friend suffering from back problems). It shows exactly how erudite a cat can be about life and health in general.

    ARCH EXERCISE You know that we felines have feelings: To some people we’re simply ignored

    They lavish their attention on the canine breed

    And with my species, they act like they’re bored.

    But you don’t mind that I’m a cat:

    Or that human verbal skills I lack

    That’s why I meeauw and sigh (almost cry)

    When I heard about your back!

    I know you say you’re a person

    and I know that you say I’m a cat

    But I bend and I stretch and I jump and I spring

    I’m lithe and supple – and I never get fat!

    By human standards, to be so fit,

    I should be going to gym every day

    I should be exercising and running and jogging and swimming

    And on a strict no-fat diet stay.

    I’m letting you in on this secret

    – and I know you’ll never tell

    But I get fed whenever I like

    And which includes full-cream milk as well.

    I sleep for about 20 hours a day;

    I eat for just over one

    For two or three hours, I watch T.V. or birds

    As for exercise – I could say almost none.

    Yet I can arch my back whenever I yawn.

    I can scale to the top of a tree

    I was shocked to hear that to arch your back

    You require physiotherapy.

    They say comparisons are odious;

    But its only logical to compare:

    When your doctor told you to walk, run and jump

    Was he reclining in a soft, padded chair?

    I do not have arch enemies.

    I don’t have a medical degree

    But I’m giving you this advice because to me you’re

    An arch-friend – and that means a lot to me.

    I always sleep on my stomach

    -perhaps a good position for you

    Then there’ll be no pressure on your back

    – and walk very slowly too.

    Just lie around and pamper yourself

    To do nothing is the thing

    I know: because except for when I eat or sleep

    I spend the rest of the time resting

    So spoil yourself! Don’t even shop!

    And after as fortnight you will see

    That if you really set your mind to it

    You can learn to be as relaxed as me.

    So, Give it Time & Give it Rest!

    Lots of love and all the best.

    Your back-to-back-to basics ‘arch’ friend.


    Liked by 1 person

  7. Tony Gordon Smith

    Who’s the feline visitor ?

    Liked by 1 person

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